Royal Philharmonic Orchestra playlist: Milestones
30 September 2021

Enjoy the latest exclusive collaboration from the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Change Makers. This is the 10th playlist of curated tracks selected and played by the RPO, alongside the insights of inspirational guests on the Change Makers podcast. This month, we are delighted to bring you Milestones, containing music and insights that celebrate the achievements of our extraordinary Change Makers guests, as we celebrate 100 episodes of the podcast and 75 years of the RPO.
Take a listen to some of the Change Makers guests who have contributed to this momentous occasion: Gordon Brown, former UK Prime Minister; Leena Nair, Chief Human Resources Officer, Unilever; Yanis Varoufakis, former finance minister of Greece, economist and author; pioneering musician Beatie Wolfe; founder of 56 Black Men and The Black British Network, Cephas Williams; Dr Eliza Filby, Generations Expert & Historian of Contemporary Values; David Richards, co-founder and CEO, WANdisco; founder of The Valuable 500, Caroline Casey; James Chen, Philanthropist and Chairman of the Chen Yet-Sen Family Foundation; and Maggie Miller and Hannah Nokes, founders of Magnify Impact.
Listen on Spotify now.